Monday, March 10, 2008

updating the blog...urg...

i just have to say that i finally set aside some time to update our blog since everyone has been bugging me to do so :) and what does it do??? NOTHING!! i have been sitting here for 2 hours (wasted the kids whole naptime...when i could have been showering, cleaning the house, reading the bible (our small group is reading through the bible in 90 days!) or eating lunch...but instead, i have changed the template and written some words about how FRUSTRATED i am with blogger because every time try to add a post it tells me that i have encountered and error and to try back in 30 seconds. well, after trying again in 30 seconds for the next 2hrs, i have decided to rant and rave instead!!! so, anyway, i hope you enjoy the updated template instead of the super cute pictures from our trip to phoenix, mali's first swimming experience, b's fun date night with her friend liam, or pics from b's birthday party...i guess i'll have to find another 2 hrs (since i have so many hrs to spare) and i'll update it then. sorry to those of you who were so anxiously awaiting a blog'll just have to deal with my ranting and raving for now...


nurseheather said...

i can feel your pain - i hate when i waste an entier nap time. i like your back drop though - i searched through the templates and would love to change mine but i'm scared that i'll lose everything and then i'd be devestated. was it hard to do??? i am looking forward to updated pics though - hang in there

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