Monday, April 7, 2008


b was feeding mali some veggie puffs the other day and we asked her to teach mali how to say "more" in sign language. mali could care less, she just wanted her big sis to keep shoveling them in her mouth!!


nurseheather said...

ok - you've posted so much i can't keep up with the comments but i will try in the upcoming days - but i did have to stop and comment on this one because mattea does the same thing. paloma has definitely gotten down more, please,all done, and a couple others but thank you has been a struggle so her sister intervenes and tries to sign for her - of course that goes over real well wit paloma. i could totally relate to this post

amy said...

i can relate to. aislyn spends the whole time i am feeding grayson signing more and all done. i think he might get confused... he did all done the other day though. that was fun.

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