Thursday, December 11, 2008

i love you inzimmerating...

i was setting up a movie for braidyn (so i could make dinner of course) and she was just talking to me and i wasn't listening to her at all because i was just sitting there thinking of how much i love that little girl. so i decided to tell her and this was our conversation:

me: "b, do you know how much i love you?" as i grabbed her and pulled her into my lap

me again: "i love you....." as i was thinking of saying infinity, this is what braidyn said...

b: "you love me inzimmerating!"

me: "yes, baby, mommy loves you INFINITY!"

b: "yeah, you love me infinity!" as if that's what she said the first time."

yes, i love my braidyn inzimmerating...and infinity!


amy said...

aw. i love her too. totally inzimmerating.

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