Monday, November 24, 2008

pro image has arrived...

it's amazing how God took this...

and made it this...

from this...

to this...

and this...

into this...

remember the coffee shop?

well it was demolished...

and now it looks like this...

here's a pic of all of the guys sitting back in amazement of what God has done...God is GOOOOD!
we are so blessed to have the store completed and open before thanksgiving. feel free to stop by for some day-after-thanksgiving shopping!! we will open at 12am (thankfully chris and i will still be sleeping!) but there will be plenty of guys there to help you find your favorite sports apparel and Christmas gifts!! we love you guys and thank those of you who have supported us along the way...your prayers have definitely made a difference!


amy said...

first of all, AWESOME!!! i can't wait to come up, sans children... and secondly did you say 12 a.m.? like midnight? really? the whole mall? that is soo weird to me. i, too, shall be asleep. congrats on the store!!

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